Mobile & Online Deposit

Don’t have time to run to the branch to deposit your check? No problem! Deposit checks on the go using the ICCU App or from the comfort of your home using the Make a Deposit feature in eBranch. Let’s hear a cha-ching!

Download the ICCU app

women taking a picture with her phone

Mobile Deposit

Anytime, anywhere, pull out your phone and use the ICCU App to make a deposit. Click on the Make a Deposit Widget and simply follow the instructions using the camera on your device.

  1. Click– click Make a Deposit once signed into your app.
  2. Snap – enter check information and snap photos of your check.
  3. Deposit – verify the information and make your deposit.

The ICCU app is available on both the App Store® and Google Play™

Online Deposit

Log into eBranch and select Make a Deposit under Transfer & Pay. From there, follow the instructions to upload a scanned image or photo of your check front and back. Make your deposit. Done! It’s that simple.

Deposit Errors

Displayed Error Message


Deposit Failed

There was an error in your deposit.  Could not verify check.  Please try again.

(Response Code: E35)

Your Submission failed for the following reasons:

  • Image cannot be processed

This error is likely due to poor image quality.

Deposit Failed

There was an error in your deposit.  Could not verify check.  Please try again.

(Response Code: E35)

Your submission failed for the following reasons:

  • Check appears to have been deposited earlier

This error is due to the possibility of a duplicate check. A check may have been deposited earlier.

Deposit Failed

There was an error in your Deposit.  Could not verify check.  Please try again.

(Response Code: E35)

Your submission failed for the following reasons:

  • Check amount could not be confirmed.

The amount you entered versus the amount read by OCR exceeds the threshold defined by ICCU.

Confirmation Needed

Your submission needs confirmation due to the following reasons:

  • Back endorsement could not be found.  If you want to continue with the deposit, press Continue, otherwise press Cancel.  The check may be held for review based on ICCU’s policies.

Check endorsement was not detected by the OCR system. Confirm the check is endorsed and continue with the deposit. If the check is not endorsed, cancel the deposit, endorse the check and recapture the back.

Deposit Failed

There was an error in your deposit. The calendar day deposit limit of $7500.00 will be exceeded. You may deposit up to $7500.00.

(Response Code: EL1)

Deposit amount exceeds daily limit defined by ICCU.

Deposit Failed

There was an error in your deposit. Please contact your financial institution.

(Response Code: 96)

This error is most likely caused because the account is locked.

Deposit Failed

Item cannot be processed. Please delete. Possible contributing factors:

  • Front Image Too Dark.

This issue is most likely caused when an image quality is too dark or the image contains too many pictures causing the file size to be larger than what is accepted.

Deposit Failed

The uploaded image file size appears to be too small. Please verify these items and review our helpful tips.

This issue is most likely caused when the end user crops and removes too much of the image in My Deposit. Rescan the image and make sure border is maintained when cropping the image.

Connectivity Issue

If a you receive a message indicating a connectivity issue when trying to submit a check image, the link may be temporary down. Please try again later.

Become a Member

ICCU was designed with one idea in mind, helping members achieve financial success. If you live or work in Idaho, Washington, eastern Oregon, or Arizona, chances are you can become a member of ICCU.

Find Out How