What are Signature Guarantee Services?

Signature guarantee services can protect you from financial loss by stopping forged and altered signatures in their tracks. Unlike a notary public, this free service is designed specifically for members who are transferring securities or making high-value transactions. With ICCU’s signature guarantee, members can feel confident that their financial transactions are safe and secure.
Why Choose ICCU for a Notarized Signature Guarantee
- Convenience: Our notary and signature guarantee services are available at all our branches, making it easy for you to get your documents notarized no matter where you are.
- Expertise: Our notaries are knowledgeable and experienced in all types of notary services, from witnessing signatures to administering oaths. They will ensure that your document is notarized correctly and in accordance with all state and federal laws. We use the Medallion Guarantee STAMP program for signature guarantees, which is endorsed by the Security Transfer Association and insured up to $1,000,000.
- Free: Signature guarantees are free to ICCU members, and notary services are free to both members and nonmembers.
How to Get a Notarized Signature or Signature Guarantee
- Assemble your documents: Print the documents you need signed and find a form of identification, such as a driver’s license or passport.
- Find a nearby branch: Most ICCU branches will have a notary available throughout the day, so your closest branch is likely your best option.
- Ask for notary or signature guarantee services at the front desk: Bring your documents and ID with you.