Central Plus Checking Disclosure

More than a checking account for just $7.00/month


Telehealth1 — Access to 24/7 video or phone visits with U.S.-based board-certified, licensed and credentialed doctors ready to help with urgent care or mental health for you and your family — all with zero copays.
(Registration/activation required).

Cell Phone Protection

Cell Phone Protection2 — Receive up to $600 of replacement or repair costs if your cell phone is stolen or damaged, in the U.S. and abroad. Covers up to four phones listed on your cell phone bill. $50 deductible applies. Up to two claims occurrences per eligible account and maximum of $1,200 per 12-month period. Cell phone bill must be paid through your Central Plus Checking Account.

Travel & Leisure Discounts

Travel and Leisure Discounts — Money-saving discounts from thousands of local and national businesses. Members can redeem and print coupons online or access discounts from a mobile device. Digital Access makes saving super easy and convenient, giving instant savings anywhere, and anytime. (Available via mobile or web only).

Roadside Assistance

Roadside Assistance Service2 — 24-hour coverage for roadside assistance services including vehicle towing, fuel/oil/fluid/water delivery, and battery/lock-out/tire assistance up to $100 per occurrence. Maximum of two occurrences per twelve-month period.

Identity Theft Resolution Services

Identity Theft Recovery Services — If your identity is stolen, we have you covered. A dedicated fraud specialist will manage and resolve suspected or confirmed fraud until completion. Fully Managed Identity Theft Resolution Services cover three generations of your family and include financial and non-financial identity theft. In addition, Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement Insurance2 covers up to $1,000,000 of your out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the recovery of your identity.

Dark Web Monitoring — Monitor your personal information on the dark web and receive alerts when your personal information is exposed. (Registration/activation required).

Debit Advantage®

Buyers Protection2 — Covers items for 90 days from the date of purchase against accidental breakage, fire or theft.

Extended Warranty2 — Extends the U.S. manufacturer’s original written warranty up to one full year on most new retail purchases if the warranty is less than five years.
(Item(s) must be purchased entirely with your Central Plus Checking for coverage).

Health Discount Savings

Health Discount Savings – Enjoy savings on vision, prescriptions, and dental services. This is NOT insurance.
(Registration/activation required).

To initiate a claim or access benefits, log in to ICCU Online or Mobile Banking and connect to your Central Plus Checking benefits. Alternatively, you can call the dedicated ICCU benefit service center phone line at 1-800-227-0313.

Eligibility Disclosure: Benefits above are available to personal checking accounts and their primary accountholder and joint accountholder(s) subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Guide to Benefit and/or insurance documents for the applicable Benefits. Some Benefits require authentication, registration and/or activation. Benefits are not available to a “signer” on the account who is not an accountholder or to businesses, clubs, trusts, organizations and/or churches and their members, or schools and their employees/students.

1. Available for the account holder and their spouse/domestic partner and up to six (6) dependent children age 2 and older. This is not insurance.

2. Special Program Notes: The description herein is a summary only and does not include all terms, conditions and exclusions of the Benefit described. Please refer to the actual Guide to Benefit and/or insurance documents for complete details of coverage and exclusions. Coverage is provided through the company named in the Guide to Benefit and/ or insurance documents. Log in to your ICCU Online or Mobile Banking and connect to your Central Plus Checking benefits for Guide to Benefit or to file a claim. Insurance Products are not insured by the NCUA or any Federal Government Agency; not a deposit of or guaranteed by the credit union or any credit union affiliate.