Donation, Event, and Sponsorship Request

ICCU is committed to giving back to the communities we serve and making them better places to live and work. If there is an opportunity to sponsor, donate, or participate in an event that you’d like to share with us, please fill out the request form. We love getting involved!

ICCU has partnered with Kadince to process requests.

ICCU employees with a dog

What We Sponsor. We look for opportunities to interact with people at events, support nonprofits and local youth teams, market and promote ICCU, and have a positive impact on our membership.

What We Do Not Sponsor. We do not fund travel or conference expenses, membership or athletic fees, or politically affiliated requests. Our goal is for our funds to make the biggest impact within the communities we serve.

How Long Does It Take? To allow time for review, please submit the request form at least 30 days prior to the date an answer is needed.

ICCU has partnered with Kadince to process requests.

Become a Member

ICCU was designed with one idea in mind, helping members achieve financial success. If you live or work in Idaho, Washington, eastern Oregon, or Arizona, chances are you can become a member of ICCU.

Find Out How