Share Bear Savings

From their first lucky penny to birthday money, you can teach your kids the importance of saving with an ICCU Share Bear Savings Account. This account is perfect if they are between the ages of 0 and 11.


Your child is 0 to 11 years old and you want to teach them how to save.

Teach Them to Save Early

As a parent, you have the privilege of teaching your child how to save. They will thank you later! Start growing that savings plus enter quarterly drawings when your child receives an “A” on their report card and/or makes a deposit of $10 or more.

  • Free automatic parent transfers
  • A higher balance earns a higher interest rate
  • Free passbook when account is opened
  • Free Share Bear bank when you open account

Minimum Balance to Open


Minimum Balance to Earn Interest


Monthly Service Fee


Number of Withdrawals

6/month ($2 for each additional)

ICCU Savings Benefits

Free Mobile Banking

You have all the tools you need to manage your accounts through the ICCU mobile app or on, anywhere, anytime. Check balances, transfer money, pay bills, set up alerts, and so much more.

Free Credit Score & Monitoring

My Credit is a free service powered by SavvyMoney® that helps you stay on top of your credit. Check your credit score, view your credit report, and get up-to-date credit monitoring notifications through ICCU mobile or online banking.

Free VideoChat

Bank face-to-face from anywhere in the world with a live service agent through ICCU’s VideoChat. Not only is it convenient, it’s secure and easy to use for account questions, opening a new account, applying for a loan, and much more!

Make a Deposit

Don’t have time to run to the branch to deposit your check? No problem! Deposit checks on the go using the ICCU App or from the comfort of your home using the Make a Deposit feature in eBranch.

Youth Savings Account

Balance APY* Interest Rate
Balance0-299 APY*0.15% Interest Rate0.15% Terms
Balance300-1,499 APY*0.20% Interest Rate0.20% Terms
Balance1,500+ APY*0.25% Interest Rate0.25% Terms

Starter Savings for the Older Kids

Do you have older kids ages 12-17? You can teach them the importance of saving for the future too. Get them started down the road to financial success with an ICCU Starter Savings Account.

Young adult holding a piggybank

Become a Member

ICCU was designed with one idea in mind, helping members achieve financial success. If you live or work in Idaho, Washington, eastern Oregon, or Arizona, chances are you can become a member of ICCU..

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